
Senior pricing applies to those 60 years and over.

Junior pricing applies to those 11 years and under.

Ten swim passes cannot be refunded if lost.


Lap/Family/Public Swim

Single use - $6.50 Adult / $5.50 Senior / $4.50 Junior

$4.50 Non Swimmer

10 Use Pass - $60 Adult / $50 Senior / $40.00 Junior

Aqua Aerobics

Single Class - $7.00 Adult / $6.00 Senior

10 Class Pass - $65.00 Adult / $55.00 Senior

Gentle Water

Single Class - $7.50 Adult and Senior

Ten Class Pass - $70.00 Adult and Senior

Underwater Hockey

Single Practice - $10.00 Adult and Senior

Ten Practice Pass - $80 Adult and Senior

Water Polo

Single Practice - $7.50 Adult and Senior

Ten Practice Pass - $70.00 Adult and Senior

Year Pass

Adult - $730

Senior - $630